

Puppies For Sale (click for details)

Empyrean Yorkie Guarantee
Empyrean Yorkie Guarantee – Click For Details
Retired Yorkie's For Sale
Retired Yorkie’s For Sale – Click For Details

Retired Yorkie’s For Sale (click for details)

All Puppies are sold with Spay Neuter Contracts. No puppies are sold for breeding purposes. On rare occasions exceptions can be made, but only to people who breed Yorkie’s to Standard.

Donnie-at-15-monthsEmpyrean Yorkie’s is owned and operated by Dawn and Justin Drake of Norman Indiana. We have been Breeding Yorkshire Terrier’s since 1996. More than 20 years now. Through the years we have watched as our litters have grown into great adult show dogs and family companions. Our reputation for breeding dogs with great show attributes and personalities has helped us continue to do what we love. For more information about our breeding practices or our dogs, please contact us or call (812) 995-8058.

We have Currently bred and finished 15 bred by champions and three males purchased from other breeders, including CH Exmoors Exuberant, CH Debonair’s Here Comes the Son, and we put the Grand on CH Rumor It’s All about the Bitches. This earned us the title of one of the Top Breeders in 2007, and owning two of the top producing sires and dams for 2007.

Retired & Rescue Yorkie’s: Periodically we sell Retired Yorkshire Terriers as well as Rescue Yorkshire Terriers. If you’re interested in Purchasing one of our Retired or Rescue Yorkshire Terriers click here.

Yorkie’s with Limited & Open Registrations

We do sell our pet quality Yorkie’s as pets only with limited registration. We also sell show prospects and show potential puppies with open registration, but only if they are going to be shown. If you are looking for a perfect Yorkie you won’t find one, but if you are looking for a show dog or beautiful pet you have come to the right place.


Note: Empyrean Yorkie’s must collect Indiana Sales Tax 7% on all Puppy Sales to in and out of state residents. Even if puppy is being shipped 7% sales tax will be added to the Total Sales Price.

Brodie, New Male Currently Showing

Brodie, New male currently showing. Off to a great start with specialty win in New Jersey!

New Champion” Empyrean’s  Gudyork Zetta
Above is Zetta Winning Reserve Winners Bitch at the Specialty Show in August 2018

Empyrean’s “Dillan” Wins Back to Back Majors
in Lansing Michigan. Our Bred by Exhibitor Male we are currently showing.

Empyrean Yorkie’s Awards

Empyrean Yorkie’s is a Member of The American Kennel Club’s Breeder of Merit Program

Wag! - Dog Walking & Boarding
Empyrean Yorkie’s LLC
is a Top Yorkshire Terrier Breeder!
Heavenly Terriers (aka Empyrean Yorkie’s) Received The Ethical Yorkshire Terrier Breeder Award From


Champion Dexter
New Champion Empyrean’s Slice of Life, Dexter wins, Winners Dog, Best of Winner, Best Bred By Exhibitor and Finishes his championship at Louisville Kentucky Regional Specialty show. He Finished with 4 majors and 2 singles, from the Bred By Exhibitor Class!

Champion “Opie”
Co-Owned with Susan Flythe
Finished his Championship November 2016. Bred by Dawn Drake, Empyrean Yorkie’s.


Donnie-at-15-monthsEmpyrean’s This is How It’s Done pictured winning Best Bred By Exhibitorat the Delaware Valley Specialty at 15 months, Look for him in New York 2013!

rio-18-monthsEmpyrean’s Diamond Rio Son of Brava Tenis Bravo and Daughter of Heavenly’s Cleopatra.


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